Internet solicitation of a minor may lead to stiff penalties

On Behalf of Sanchez Burke, LLC

When a person in Louisiana is convicted on a sex crime-related charge, the possible penalties are harsh. These penalties include possibly going to prison; in addition, a person may have to register as a sex offender for life or for a lengthy period. Fortunately, a person who has been accused of a sex crime, such as the Internet solicitation of a minor, is presumed innocent until and unless his or her guilt has been proved by the government.

Prosecutors face strong pressure by the public to obtain a conviction in a case involving a sex crime. In many situations, prosecutors choose to take weak cases to court to avoid dealing with the possible backlash caused by alleged victims being frustrated that the prosecutors refused to file charges. This happens in cases involving not only the solicitation of a minor online but also other sex crimes, such as child pornography and sexual assault.

When a person has been accused of a sex crime, an attorney will look closely at all pieces of evidence in his or her case. The attorney may receive assistance from private investigators in identifying as well as interviewing any witnesses who could support the accused person’s defense or question the prosecution’s witnesses’ credibility. An attorney can also work with DNA and forensic specialists in analyzing the prosecutor’s evidence.

Specifically when a person is charged with the Internet solicitation of a minor, the attorney can collaborate with computer experts in analyzing and disputing any evidence against the person. The attorney will also look deeply at the alleged victim’s or witnesses’ motivations along with the possibility of entrapment by police. Proper legal guidance may enable individuals in these situations to respond to inquiries by police in a manner that limits their legal risks and protects their rights in Louisiana.

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