

Drunk driving charge can be unsettling

A death caused by a motor vehicle accident is a tragedy. It can be all the more so if possibly caused by a drunk driver. A recent accident in Louisiana that took the life of a woman and seriously injured another reportedly was the result…

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Top penalties doctors may face from medical boards

Reaching where you currently are in your medical career doubtless took years of hard work and high financial cost. The road to becoming an established doctor is long and arduous. Unfortunately, all of that can quickly face jeopardy from allegations of unprofessional or criminal conduct.…

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Financial implications need to be understood in gray divorce

The overall divorce rate in Louisiana and the United States in general is declining except in one age group. The divorce rate for those over 50, known as gray divorce, is actually on the increase. While financial concerns are paramount in any marriage dissolution, they…

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Bike paths not enough protection in drunk driving crash

Bike paths are becoming a popular means to help ensure the safety of bicyclists and cars sharing the same roadways. There are many such bike paths in New Orleans and around Louisiana. On a night in March, they were not enough to protect two cyclists…

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Multiple drunk driving charges can carry heavy penalties

Being charged with a crime in Louisiana is a serious issue. When that crime involves drunk driving the implications of the charges can be far-reaching. It can have a negative impact on one’s ability to make a living and provide for one’s family as the…

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Drug charges do not negate the presumption of innocence

The drug battle in Louisiana continues to be a time-consuming and labor-intensive issue for law enforcement as they try to get a handle on the problem. One aspect of the crisis that is starting to get more media attention is the number of counterfeit pills…

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Premarital assets can complicate property division

When couples marry later in life, they typically bring a lot more with them than people in their twenties or early thirties may have. One spouse may have a sizeable retirement account and a house. The other may have a condo that the couple plans…

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Inclement weather, a car accident and a drunk driving arrest

The recent inclement weather in Louisiana gave rise to multiple car accidents. The heavy amount of rain and water on the roadways can create flooding and hazardous driving conditions. One accident resulted in the driver facing charges for drunk driving and drug possession. The accident…

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Criminal defense can focus on rehabilitation in juvenile crime

Violence is a significant part of Louisiana’s landscape. Video games that are pervasive among youth and the proliferation of guns may contribute to the increase in crimes allegedly committed by juveniles and the need for compassion in their criminal defense. A child who is suspected of…

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Proper procedures important in connection with drug charges

The drug crisis in Louisiana continues unabated, and drugs that may have been on the decrease in popularity and availability seem to be resurging. Methamphetamine is one such drug, and a man from Rodessa was caught up in a police investigation that resulted in his…

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